Academic Settings
Speech Therapy ... Let's give them something to talk about!
​​​​​Individualized, needs-driven speech and language interventions are at our core. We realize that one size doesn't fit all and that often off-the-shelf programs are not appropriate for every child.

Speech and Language treatment plans are tailored to each child's unique academic, communication, and social needs.

Our unique philosophy of personalized programming offers students multiple opportunities to identify, develop and work toward actualizing his or her own language and learning capabilities.


​"The ability to communicate is a beautiful gift.  Help your child nurture the gift of communication."
What we deliver

Customized services, provided onsite are: 
- ​Anonymous
  • Screening
  • Assessment
  • Consultation
  • Speech / language / learning intervetion
  • Parent outreach and training
  • ​In-services
  • ​Professional development​​
​​Our customers represent

  • Daycares
  • Preschools
  • Private / independent schools
  • Home school communities
  • ​Learning centers
"Communication is a life line of two souls, and a bridge that connects two hearts."

​- Catherine Reddy